Benefits of Traditional Thai Massage and Its Effects on Arthritis

Thai yoga massage provides relief to a multitude of health concerns and is a part of an integrative care approach to many medical conditions. Like other Eastern medical practices, an important element is the life force or energy. This life force energy flows along channels which can become blocked causing an excess of energy in one area of the body and a deficiency in another. Traditional Thai massage is more energizing and more precise than other forms of traditional massage. By stimulating pressure points to open the body’s energy pathways, it allows healing energy to flow freely to heal the body.

How Does Arthritis Affect Your Joints?

Arthritis is, simply put, a disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. There are over one hundred types of arthritis with the most common being osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease and is due to trauma, infection, or aging. Other types of arthritis include psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and those related to autoimmune diseases. The main complaint of those suffering from arthritis is joint pain which can be localized to one joint or can be diffuse and widespread. This is due to the inflammation within the joint space causing swelling of the tissues.

How Can Thai yoga massage Treat Arthritis?

According to, “the ancient Thai spiritual way of healing is by “laying on hands” to manifest the spiritual energy of the heart in a practical way.” In Traditional Thai massage, all of the rheumatic disorders are considered to originate from the same syndrome. They are addressed according to energetic or elemental imbalances, first, the emotional or psychological second, and the physical symptoms last. The end result is the restoration of a balance of energy, reduction in pain and inflammation, and a return to a more functional capacity.

Thai yoga massage alleviates tension in the muscles, joints, and fascia by relaxing the muscle spasm and improving range of motion. The combination of tension placed on pressure points along with the yoga-like stretches help to relieve muscular stress and tension keeping muscles loose for days after the massage. Additionally, with the yoga-like stretches, this improves circulation to the joints by slowing the blood flow to targeted areas and then when the stretch is released, blood rushes back into that area. These inverted poses can also help with lymphatic drainage, circulation of blood to the heart, and digestion.

What are Other Health Benefits of Traditional Thai Massage?

Thai yoga massage has many other health benefits associated with its use. One of the major benefits that it is known for is its effect on mental and psychological well-being. The United States Department of Health and Human Services lists massage as an excellent alternative treatment option for mental healthcare. In Traditional Thai massage, the release of emotional and mental stress occurs through the manipulation of muscles. And, also, if practiced correctly, it incorporates meditation which can help manage stress and negative emotions. It is more than just a physical procedure, but works to create harmony between mind, spirit, and body.

Thai yoga massage goes further than other types of massage. Not only does it improve circulation, release muscle tension, improve mobility and flexibility as well as provide stress relief, but it also promotes a balance of all the body’s systems and of the mind, spirit, and body to create a complete sense of overall well-being.

If you are looking to find an alternative, more holistic approach for your healthcare needs, contact us to learn more about traditional methods in Eastern massage and its effects on not only the muscles and joints but on the entire body as a whole.

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