Thai Foot Massage

Step into a world of relief and rejuvenation with our Thai Foot Massage. This traditional therapy goes beyond simple relaxation, offering targeted relief for those experiencing foot fatigue, arch pain, and overall tension in the lower legs. It's an ideal remedy for individuals who spend long hours on their feet or those seeking a reprieve from the daily stresses that weigh down our steps.

Our skilled therapists blend massage and reflexology techniques, applying pressure to specific points on the feet and lower legs. This soothes sore muscles and stimulates circulation, enhancing overall foot health and vitality. The treatment also incorporates elements of stretching and mobilisation, improving flexibility and reducing stiffness.

Clients often report a sense of lightness and improved balance following a Thai Foot Massage. It's not just a treat for your feet but a holistic experience that positively impacts your entire body's well-being, making it perfect for anyone looking to restore their step and embrace a more comfortable, active lifestyle.
Castle Thai Spa
9A Castle Street

Opening Hours

Open 7 Days
10:00 - 20:00

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0131 629 0794